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          Lower Temple

          Time:2020-02-17 17:48:46 Source:

          Located next to erdaogang, believers of all dynasties in history, from officials to people, built many temples on the top of the mountain from the beginning. One is to show that God is in the sky, and the other is to worship God on the mountain to show the sincerity of believers. Because the mountain is high and the road is difficult, there are more and more believers. Especially on the third day of March, the ancient Temple Fair (the birth day of emperor Zhenwu), there are too many people on the mountain to hold. In addition, many old and weak people do not go to the mountain. Therefore, later, the same temple as the one on the mountain was built under the mountain, which is called xiamiao. The two stone lions at the gate are believed to be carved in the Ming Dynasty by cultural experts. There is a rule for entering the temple. Please see my demonstration:
          1. First we went to the right door of the temple;
          2. Raise the right foot;
          3. Enter from the right door, enter the temple on the right side, and go out as well.
          In Taoism, it is forbidden to walk in the middle of the gate (that is, to be in charge of the road). The entrance and exit of the gate should be in the East and out in the west, following the rising of the sun in the East and the setting of the sun in the West.
          In front of the Xuanwu Gate is the temple of Zhenwu emperor. From left to right are Yaowang temple, Zhenwu temple, Buddha Hall and grandma temple. The Yaowang temple is dedicated to Sun Simiao of Tang Dynasty and Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo of the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Buddha Hall is dedicated to Tathagata Buddha. Grandma temple is dedicated to Bixia Yuanjun (Yunxiao, Yunxiao, Qiongxiao three grandmothers). Many infertile villagers often come to grandma's temple to offer incense and make wishes, and many young people to make friends. They ask grandma to be a matchmaker for you, to pray for success in love, a happy marriage and a long life together Now, you must have a question, why is there a big Buddha Hall in the Taoist holy land? Lao Tzu once said that Buddhism is Tao, Taoism is natural, and Buddhism is also natural, that is, Buddhism is Tao. That's the point. (there is also a temple in the West and north of xiamiao, a Buddhist Bodhisattva and a jade emperor of Taoism.).
          In the seventh year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty, the leader of the society carried out a comprehensive renovation of xiamiao temple. In the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937), reconstruction was also carried out. The temples we see now were rebuilt in 1937. Despite more than half a century of wind and rain, the whole xiamiao temple is still in good condition. Look at this ancient cypress. It has a history of more than 200 years. There were several cypresses in the courtyard that were bigger and stronger than it. Unfortunately, they were all cut down in the cultural revolution. In 1942, the Academy served as the equipment warehouse of the 129th division of the Eighth Route Army. The scar on this tree was gnawed by the donkey and horse of the Eighth Route Army.

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