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          Tai Chi palm

          Time:2020-02-17 17:47:20 Source:wudang

          Standing at the corridor on the south side of the cable way down station, looking at the pictorial mountains, I sincerely read a poem to you: "the shadow of the dream of the western mountains" Mao Zedong is sleeping, Lu Xun is shouting, and there is a pagoda mountain in Yan'an between them. Some immortals talk about it. They are thirsty for teapots and close to their eyes. Taiji palms break through the earth and soar to the sky. The steed knows not where to go. Leave two empty saddles. The girl asked the sky and the tiger looked down. Andersen's fairy tale world is full of imagination. Ah! Xishan - you weave countless magical dreams, sighs and sighs! Standing in the viewing corridor and looking at Xishan, you can see "taijizhang". According to Taoist classics and ancient Wudang Mountain inscriptions, Zhang Sanfeng has traveled to Zhaodi (Handan, capital of Zhao state), and his experience of cultivation in the ancient Wudang Mountain. In the mountains around the ancient Wudang Mountain, "taijizhang" rose to the sky, reflecting the ancient Wudang Mountain Taoism has a profound cultural heritage.

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          Wudang Mountain tourism company all rights reserved Jicpb No. 20002497-1
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