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          Dragon head peak

          Time:2020-02-17 17:45:33 Source:wudang

          After walking down the steps to the south of the viewing gallery, we now have a rest on this peak called Longtou peak. You can see that there is a temple site in the center of this peak. This temple is called "Five Dragon Temple". It is said that when Xuandi ascended to the true, five dragon Yejia ascended, and its reclusion was the temple worshiping the true. Later, Emperor Zhenwu got the way to become an immortal and helped the poor and the world. The people built a five dragon temple here to show their worship.
          In addition, there is a dragon head turtle on the dragon head peak. According to legend, dragon head turtle is one of the nine sons of dragon. It is a combination of dragon and turtle. It is also one of the common geomantic omens. It is a representative of wealth and longevity. The Dragon Tortoise represents honor and status. It is a symbol of ability, bearing weight, longevity and authority. In ancient times, only officials of three grades or above were qualified to let the dragon head turtle bear the stele. The Dragon Tortoise has the name of the God tortoise, which means that the world can prevent and reduce disasters. It also has the metaphor of longevity, auspiciousness and greeting happiness. In addition to subduing Taisui, suipo and all kinds of visible evil spirits, its power can also bring in wealth and wealth. The Dragon Tortoise is the best thing to change the evil spirit. It has both the power and strength of the dragon and the tolerance of the tortoise. The design of the dragon head turtle body carved on the jade represents the meaning of returning to glory.
          The three peaks and three turtles on the top of the mountain mean three lives and three generations. They also mean happiness, wealth, longevity, wealth and peace.

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